

来源:FRRouting官网 发布日期:2021-08-30 阅读次数:1429 评论:0





感知时间:2021-08-31 06:20:30






**We are pleased to announce FRR 8.0.1**

This release is a bugfix release of FRR 8.0.0 and contains the fixes listed below

* Debian Packaging - https://deb.frrouting.org/
* RPM Packaging - https://rpm.frrouting.org/

Snaps will be available within approx another week; when available they will be published here:

* Snap Packaging - https://snapcraft.io/frr

Additional release build logs, artifacts and package sources can also be found on
the CI system at https://ci1.netdef.org/browse/FRR-FRR80-20/artifact

## Changelog
(Numbers behind the fix refer to the Github PR)

#### bgpd
- associate correct nexthop when using peer link-local [9146]
- BGP dampening JSON fixes [9151]
- bgp_packet_process_error can access peer after deletion [9356]
- Call bgp_dest_unlock_node() inside bgp_adj_in_remove() [9168]
- Clear capabilities field when resetting a bgp neighbor [9263]
- Do not check for NULL values for vni_hash_cmp() [9171]
- Do not delete peer_af structure when deactivating peer-group from an
address-family [9145]
- Don't forget bgp_dest_unlock_node for bgp_static_set() [9160]
- Drop double-pointer for bgp_damp_info_free() [9230]
- Drop unnecessary chars for filtered reason [9152]
- Ensure v6 LL address is available before establishing peering [9141]
- Extended community bandwidth fixes [9407]
- Fix bgp routes filtering by [large]community-list [9358]
- Fix crash in "clear ip bgp dampening <prefix>" [9226]
- fix double free in dampening code (fixes crash in dampening) [9223]
- fix missing damp info free when cleaning bgp path [9245]
- fix missing list add in dampening [9233]
- fix update-source for ipv6 [9501]
- Fix rpki spacing to be 1 for indentation [9127]
- Force process networks on VRF creation [9136]
- hash compare functions never receive null values [9170]
- limit the length of opaque data sent to zebra [9311]
- Mark the node as the correct type for bgp ipv6 unicast [9221]
- nht unresolved with global address next-hop [9142]
- prevent routes loop through itself [9155]
- Reflect changes to pfxSnt when using default-originate [9149]
- Set extended msg size only if we advertised and received
capability [9257]
- Stop prepending peer-as if self-originated and last AS
configured [9398]
- Unlock bgp_dest for bgp_distance_unset if distance does not
match [9161]
- Use strict AS4 capability when processing parsing/generating
pkts [9266]
- per-peer dampening revert [9320]
#### fabricd
- fix running config [9132]
#### isisd
- argv fixes [9177]
- fix extra space in the mpls-te config output [9139]
- fix setting of the attached bit [9147]
- fix uninitialized variable when searching for LSP [9137]
- update interface_link_params callback to check for change [9173]
#### lib
- fix interface configuration after vrf change [9172]
- fix prefix-list duplication check [9425]
- remove vrf-interface config when removing the VRF [9122]
- Scan lib/resolver.c only when c-ares is installed [9415]
- Preserve user-configured VRF on netns deletion [9277]
#### nhrp
- fix display of nhs command [9279]
#### ospf6d
- always generate default route for stubs [9154]
- Check the cost only when asbr_present for ECMP routes [9359]
- consistent checksum JSON output [9119]
- fix argument processing in the "area ... range" command [9296]
- fix backlink check [9125]
- fix route-map config changed, not getting applied on all types of
routes [9118]
- fix "show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor" command [9121]
- Max aged LSAs are not getting deleted from DB [9117]
- redistribute command minor fixes [9124]
- Release last dbdesc packet after router dead interval [9134]
- Drop LSA with bad seqnumber [9123]
- use per-vrf router id instead of one global [9140]
#### ospfd
- don't exit when VRF socket is not created [9208]
- explicitly exit from the router configuration node [9421]
- fix external lsa handling in opaque capabilities
enable/disable [9135]
- fix initialization when vrf doesn't exist yet [9423]
- fix "no ip ospf passive" command [9268]
- fix ospfd crash while giving 'clear ip ospf neighbor' [9153]
- ospf redistribute originating LSA internal connected routes [9392]
- show ip ospf route json does not shown metric and tag [9130]
- Summarised External LSA is not flushed in one scenario [9433]
- update interface_link_params callback to check for
change [9173]
#### pathd
- a couple of cli/doc fixes [9329]
- don't use localtime [9156]
- fix pcep node-entering commands [9409]
#### pimd
- fix IGMP VRF handling and PIM RP Prefix-list matching [9186]
- make show ip mroute output consistent [9386]
- memory leak fix and issue fix [9297]
#### ripd
- fix authentication key length [9267]
#### staticd
- fix bug of Null0 wrongly converted into blackhole in running config
#### tools
- add mac access-list context to frr-reload.py [9131]
- limit bgp route-maps to direct changes only during reload [9138]
- make frr-reload recognize pbr table range lines as single-line
contexts [9133]
#### vtysh
- another take at "enable" in vtysh user mode [9183]
- Handle end/enable commands better when in -u for vtysh [9128]
- fix exit from link-params and pseudowire nodes [9157]
#### zebra
- bugfix of error quit of zebra, due to no nexthop ACTIVE [9275]
- clean up nhg allocations in error path [9387]
- fix a couple of coverity warnings [9169]
- fix ifp pointer for groups/recursives [9150]
- Fix pseudowires with backup nexthops [9174]
- Prevent memory leak if route is rejected early [9351]
- remove checks for src address existence when using "set src" [9278]
- Remove unrelated info from evpn rmac json output [9129]
- trigger remove all access vlans info for access port [9159]
- Preserve user-configured VRF on netns deletion [9277]
#### build
- fix LDFLAGS confusion & gcov [9158]
#### doc
- bump sphinx version to 4.0.2, remove deprecated API, fix developer
docs not built [9270]
- fix bgp user doc colons [9276]
- Fix code-block display for example shell commands [9274]
- move ospf6 area commands to the appropriate section [9377]
- Replace typo BANDIWDTH to BANDWIDTH [9406]
#### redhat
- Install frr.conf only if no per daemon config exists[9349]
#### snapcraft
- Snap update to 18.04 base [9430]









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