

来源:Docker官网 发布日期:2018-03-21 阅读次数:1231 评论:0





感知时间:2019-12-05 19:41:37







Switch to -buildmode=pie moby/moby#34369
Allow Dockerfile to be outside of build-context docker/cli#886
Builder: fix wrong cache hits building from tars moby/moby#36329
Fixes files leaking to other images in a multi-stage build moby/moby#36338


Simplify the marshaling of compose types.Config docker/cli#895
Add support for multiple composefile when deploying docker/cli#569
Fix broken Kubernetes stack flags docker/cli#831
Fix stack marshaling for Kubernetes docker/cli#890
Fix and simplify bash completion for service env, mounts and labels docker/cli#682
Fix before and since filter for docker ps moby/moby#35938
Fix --label-file weird behavior docker/cli#838
Fix compilation of defaultCredentialStore() on unsupported platforms docker/cli#872
Improve and fix bash completion for images docker/cli#717
Added check for empty source in bind mount docker/cli#824
Fix TLS from environment variables in client moby/moby#36270
docker build now runs faster when registry-specific credential helper(s) are configured docker/cli#840
Update event filter zsh completion with disable, enable, install and remove docker/cli#372
Produce errors when empty ids are passed into inspect calls moby/moby#36144
Marshall version for the k8s controller docker/cli#891
Set a non-zero timeout for HTTP client communication with plugin backend docker/cli#883
Add DOCKER_TLS environment variable for --tls option docker/cli#863
Add --template-driver option for secrets/configs docker/cli#896
Move docker trust commands out of experimental docker/cli#934 docker/cli#935 docker/cli#944


AWS logs - don’t add new lines to maximum sized events moby/moby#36078
Move log validator logic after plugins are loaded moby/moby#36306
Support a proxy in Splunk log driver moby/moby#36220
Fix log tail with empty logs moby/moby#36305


Libnetwork revendoring moby/moby#36137
Fix for deadlock on exit with Memberlist revendor docker/libnetwork#2040
Fix user specified ndots option docker/libnetwork#2065
Fix to use ContainerID for Windows instead of SandboxID docker/libnetwork#2010
Verify NetworkingConfig to make sure EndpointSettings is not nil moby/moby#36077
Fix DockerNetworkInternalMode issue moby/moby#36298
Fix race in attachable network attachment moby/moby#36191
Fix timeout issue of InspectNetwork on AArch64 moby/moby#36257
Verbose info is missing for partial overlay ID moby/moby#35989
Update FindNetwork to address network name duplications moby/moby#30897
Disallow attaching ingress network docker/swarmkit#2523
Prevent implicit removal of the ingress network moby/moby#36538
Fix stale HNS endpoints on Windows moby/moby#36603
IPAM fixes for duplicate IP addresses docker/libnetwork#2104 docker/libnetwork#2105


Enable HotAdd for Windows moby/moby#35414
LCOW: Graphdriver fix deadlock in hotRemoveVHDs moby/moby#36114
LCOW: Regular mount if only one layer moby/moby#36052
Remove interim env var LCOW_API_PLATFORM_IF_OMITTED moby/moby#36269
Revendor Microsoft/opengcs @ v0.3.6 moby/moby#36108
Fix issue of ExitCode and PID not show up in Task.Status.ContainerStatus moby/moby#36150
Fix issue with plugin scanner going too deep moby/moby#36119
Do not make graphdriver homes private mounts moby/moby#36047
Do not recursive unmount on cleanup of zfs/btrfs moby/moby#36237
Don’t restore image if layer does not exist moby/moby#36304
Adjust minimum API version for templated configs/secrets moby/moby#36366
Bump containerd to 1.0.2 (cfd04396dc68220d1cecbe686a6cc3aa5ce3667c) moby/moby#36308
Bump Golang to 1.9.4 moby/moby#36243
Ensure daemon root is unmounted on shutdown moby/moby#36107
Update runc to 6c55f98695e902427906eed2c799e566e3d3dfb5 moby/moby#36222
Fix container cleanup on daemon restart moby/moby#36249
Support SCTP port mapping (bump up API to v1.37) moby/moby#33922
Support SCTP port mapping docker/cli#278
Fix Volumes property definition in ContainerConfig moby/moby#35946
Bump moby and dependencies docker/cli#829
C.RWLayer: check for nil before use moby/moby#36242
Add REMOVE and ORPHANED to TaskState moby/moby#36146
Fixed error detection using IsErrNotFound and IsErrNotImplemented for ContainerStatPath, CopyFromContainer, and CopyToContainer methods moby/moby#35979
Add an integration/internal/container helper package moby/moby#36266
Add canonical import path moby/moby#36194
Add/use container.Exec() to integration moby/moby#36326
Fix “--node-generic-resource” singular/plural moby/moby#36125
Daemon.cleanupContainer: nullify container RWLayer upon release moby/moby#36160
Daemon: passdown the --oom-kill-disable option to containerd moby/moby#36201
Display a warn message when there is binding ports and net mode is host moby/moby#35510
Refresh containerd remotes on containerd restarted moby/moby#36173
Set daemon root to use shared propagation moby/moby#36096
Optimizations for recursive unmount moby/moby#34379
Perform plugin mounts in the runtime moby/moby#35829
Graphdriver: Fix RefCounter memory leak moby/moby#36256
Use continuity fs package for volume copy moby/moby#36290
Use proc/exe for reexec moby/moby#36124
Add API support for templated secrets and configs moby/moby#33702 and moby/moby#36366
Use rslave propagation for mounts from daemon root moby/moby#36055
Add /proc/keys to masked paths moby/moby#36368
Bump Runc to 1.0.0-rc5 moby/moby#36449
Fixes runc exec on big-endian architectures moby/moby#36449
Use chroot when mount namespaces aren’t provided moby/moby#36449
Fix systemd slice expansion so that it could be consumed by cAdvisor moby/moby#36449
Fix devices mounted with wrong uid/gid moby/moby#36449
Fix read-only containers with IPC private mounts /dev/shm read-only moby/moby#36526

Swarm Mode

Replace EC Private Key with PKCS#8 PEMs docker/swarmkit#2246
Fix IP overlap with empty EndpointSpec docker/swarmkit #2505
Add support for Support SCTP port mapping docker/swarmkit#2298
Do not reschedule tasks if only placement constraints change and are satisfied by the assigned node docker/swarmkit#2496
Ensure task reaper stopChan is closed no more than once docker/swarmkit #2491
Synchronization fixes docker/swarmkit#2495
Add log message to indicate message send retry if streaming unimplemented docker/swarmkit#2483
Debug logs for session, node events on dispatcher, heartbeats docker/swarmkit#2486
Add swarm types to bash completion event type filter docker/cli#888
Fix issue where network inspect does not show Created time for networks in swarm scope moby/moby#36095


Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的镜像中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux或Windows 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口。 [1]







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