

来源:cPanel官网 发布日期:2020-01-21 阅读次数:941 评论:0





感知时间:2020-01-21 10:40:07




Change Log for 85.9999.136


Fixed case CPANEL-30590: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-roundcubemail 1.3.8-8.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-30605: Ensure error status is correctly set when a fatal error occurs while processing a custom event hook.Fixed case CPANEL-30614: Avoid editing meta tags in filemanger and make it optional in UAPI Fileman::get_file_content.Fixed case CPANEL-30649: Fix ability to determine local authority over DNS zones.Fixed case CPANEL-30681: Fix FTP warnings seen in UserManager API.Fixed case CPANEL-30800: Ensure that get/set user_email_forward_destination api calls work for 'root'.Fixed case CPANEL-30898: use port 953 for powerdns http api.Fixed case CPANEL-30942: Require the FileStorage role to create pipe filters & forwarders.Fixed case CPANEL-30948: Make modifyacct not propagate non-root requests for root-only changes.Fixed case CPANEL-31002: Make account restorations verify worker node configuration.Fixed case CPANEL-31035: Updated zone modification link from the cPanel Domains manager to lead to the zone editor for the specified domain.Fixed case CPANEL-31036: Corrected link target for creating email addresses from the cPanel domain manager.Fixed case CPANEL-31049: Avoid local package write when syncing to remotes on account creation.Fixed case CPANEL-31053: Improve performance generating large backtraces.Fixed case CPANEL-31054: Ensure DNSSEC Does not Display if named And PowerDNS Unavailable.Fixed case CPANEL-31056: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-roundcubemail 1.3.8-7.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31058: Reduce time needed to package accounts with a large number of domains.Fixed case CPANEL-31060: Ensure dnssec command continue if a single domain fails.Fixed case CPANEL-31063: Updated expansion of isresold cPanel variable to correctly indicate which users are resold.Fixed case CPANEL-31064: Clarify that mod_ruid2 is needed to implement the Apache vhost chroot advice.Fixed case CPANEL-31069: Move DNSSEC related TaskQueues to a SubQueue.Fixed case CPANEL-31071: Verify domain access should only verify access.Fixed case CPANEL-31072: Continue to export DNSSEC keys during backup if one fails.Fixed case CPANEL-31076: Avoid double fetch of the key list when enabling dns sec.Fixed case CPANEL-31077: Only rectify zones one time when enabling dnssec.Fixed case CPANEL-31078: Improve performance of DNSSEC backups.Fixed case CPANEL-31079: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-perl-530-B-C 5.030002-1.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31080: Simplify removal of dns zones.Fixed case CPANEL-31093: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-perl-530-Promise-ES6 0.17-1.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31098: Ensure powerdns http api code handles internal HTTP::Tiny errors.Fixed case CPANEL-31101: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-perl-530 5.30.0-2.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31105: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-perl-530-IO-Socket-IP 0.39-2.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31112: Prevent update_db_cache postgres cache purge from affecting mysql.Fixed case CPANEL-31117: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-phpmyadmin 4.9.4-1.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31121: modifyacct: Require pre-owned accounts to match linked node config.Fixed case CPANEL-31123: Inform cPanel Users of New Zone Creation for Domains.Fixed case CPANEL-31141: Ensure BoxTrapper can correctly fetch list of mail in queue by date.Fixed case CPANEL-31143: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-wrap 86.0-3.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31146: Fix creation of non-root remote packages in createacct.Fixed case CPANEL-31149: Do not “upgrade” accounts when editing a package if nothing changes.Fixed case CPANEL-31159: Ensure statsbar output can be serialized as JSON.Fixed case CPANEL-31161: Make createacct create service subdomains as A records.Fixed case CPANEL-31164: Defer fetching local email stats until they are needed.Fixed case CPANEL-31171: Only update the userdata cache once per vhost change.Fixed case CPANEL-31176: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-perl-530-Template-Toolkit 3.004-1.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-31181: Stop printing directly to STDOUT in createacct.Fixed case CPANEL-31186: Make API 1 Email::addforward() reject pipe forwarders when needed.Fixed case CPANEL-31215: Add support for .webp files in cpsrvd.Fixed case CPANEL-31220: WHM DNS APIs Should not check for link nodes on userless zones.Fixed case CPANEL-31225: Ensure all shipped service manager service define a service binary.[security] TSR-2020-0001Implemented case CPANEL-31129: Add a batchable uapi_cpanel WHMAPI1 call for WHMCS.


cPanel 是一套在网页寄存业中最享负盛名的商业软件,是基于于 Linux 和 BSD 系统及以 PHP 开发且性质为闭源软件;提供了足够强大和相当完整的主机管理功能,诸如:Webmail 及多种电邮协议、网页化 FTP 管理、SSH 连线、数据库管理系统、DNS 管理等远端网页式主机管理软件功能。







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