

来源:Drupal官网 发布日期:2019-11-22 阅读次数:567 评论:0





感知时间:2019-12-12 21:45:52




drupal 8.8.0-rc1


Release notesThis is a release candidate for the next minor version (feature release) of Drupal 8. Release candidates are not supported for production sites, but they are intended for widespread testing in preparation for the upcoming stable release. More information on release candidates.

This minor release candidate provides new improvements and functionality without breaking backward compatibility (BC) for public APIs. There may be changes in internal APIs and experimental modules that require updates to contributed and custom modules and themes per Drupal core's backwards compatibility and experimental module policies.
Minor releases may include string changes and additions. Translators can review the latest translation status on localize.drupal.org.
Important update information
For a full list of important changes since 8.7.x, also see the following:
8.8.0-alpha1 release notes
8.8.0-beta1 release notes
People planning to update to this release should take note of the following important issues:
All Symfony dependencies have been updated to version 3.4.35.
8.8.0-beta1 removed the internal path subscriber and path processor services, which caused an incompatibility with the Pathauto and Subpathauto modules. The services are added back added back for BC in 8.8.0-rc1, which resolves the regression.
8.8.0-alpha1 introduced the experimental Claro administrative theme, which uses PostCSS to compile versions of its CSS compatible with all of Drupal 8.8's supported browsers. In that release, the unprocessed CSS was in a src subdirectory, but this subdirectory was in the same directory as the compiled CSS. 8.8.0-rc1 simplifies this directory structure so that the sources and compiled CSS are in the same directory.
Important bug fixes
The following important issues are fixed in Drupal 8.8.0-rc1.
#2830631: Remove code that tries to use _raw_variables for route argument resolution as it does not work (for PHP 7.4 compatibility)
#3037136: Make Workspaces and Content Moderation work together
#3056633: Drupal 8 updating issue - Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "<whatever>" plugin does not exist
Known issues

There are some outstanding compatibility issues with PHP 7.4 (which will be released later in November). These issues are being addressed in #3086374: Make Drupal 8.8 compatible with PHP 7.4.
A data loss issue for path aliases has been reported in #3086638: Drupal 8 update failing on ddev builds. It appears this issue may have been due to a database misconfiguration, but we are tracking the issue to ensure it does not affect other users. Be sure to back up your data before upgrading, and report any issues with this update in the issue above.
Search the issue queue for all known issues.
All changes since 8.8.0-beta1
#3090906 by alexpott, greg.1.anderson, ravi.shankar, xjm, Mixologic, Mile23: self.version in metapackages considered harmful
#3094047 by dww: @see links in ckeditor module point to deprecated version of docs
#3090325 by ravi.shankar, msantos202, Dinesh18, shaal, lauriii: Additional space when viewing a recipe instruction on RTL
#3094696 by huzooka, fhaeberle: Follow-up to #3084843: Re-generate production CSS files
#3094059 by Sam152, seanB, phenaproxima, oknate, 5n00py, andrewmacpherson, matthieuscarset, dion-jensen: The media library widget "Add media" button incorrectly submits form handlers of forms it is embedded in
#2830631 by alexpott, cilefen, yunke, andypost: Remove code that tries to use _raw_variables for route argument resolution as it does not work
#3090629 by mglaman, BR0kEN, oriol_e9g: NumericItemBase never sets minimum value constraint if minimum value is zero
#3072337 by Mile23, Mixologic, greg.1.anderson, alexpott: Add test to validate composer.json files
#3092615 by andypost: Clean-up CommentStorage constructor
#2637538 by tstoeckler, alexpott, hchonov, farse, mikemiles86: TermForm::buildEntity does not process the parent property properly when the form element is #disabled
#3094993 by Charlie ChX Negyesi: AccessCheckInterface::applies return doxygen is incorrect
#3034786 by Wim Leers, BR0kEN, gabesullice, dutchyoda, eelkeblok, axicdv: ResourceIdentifier::getVirtualOrMissingResourceIdentifier() ignores field aliases; causes $relatable_resource_types field to be empty and results in an error
#3090174 by tim.plunkett, henriklarsson: Data attribute 'layout-content-preview-placeholder-label' exists outside LB UI
#3094536 by stefanos.petrakis, mcdruid, alexpott: PHP 7.1 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in template_preprocess_pager()
#3091823 by Renrhaf, johndevman: UrlHelper::parse does not support external URLs with more than one question mark
#3094292 by Berdir, jibran, plach, ravi.shankar, xjm: Remove usages of deprecated path alias services and clear "DeprecationListenerTrait" entries
Revert "Issue #3094292 by plach, Berdir, jibran: Remove usages of deprecated path alias services and clear "DeprecationListenerTrait" entries"
Revert "Issue #3094292 by Berdir, plach, jibran, ravi.shankar: Remove usages of deprecated path alias services and clear "DeprecationListenerTrait" entries"
#3094292 by Berdir, plach, jibran, ravi.shankar: Remove usages of deprecated path alias services and clear "DeprecationListenerTrait" entries
#3088805 by huzooka, martin107, lauriii, xjm: Simplify Claro's CSS directory structure
#2945789 by jcisio, ravi.shankar, joachim, kristiaanvandeneynde, jungle, alexpott: Document quirks of Entity reference selection plugins while a fix is figured out
#2888723 by fenstrat, Petr Illek, kim.pepper, johnennew, Wim Leers, alexpott: ckeditor_stylesheets cache busting: use system.css_js_query_string
#3094292 by plach, Berdir, jibran: Remove usages of deprecated path alias services and clear "DeprecationListenerTrait" entries
#2673980 by dww, Berdir, AdamPS, Lendude, xjm, alexpott, plach: Follow-up fixes for paths in RSS views based on fields.
#3055363 by hoanns, yogeshmpawar, alexpott, borisson_: EntityDefinitionUpdateManager: Show field_name when field has no label
#3092125 by dww, alexpott, AdamPS, xjm, Lendude: Add test coverage of Views RSS feeds with translated content
#3085343 by peterkokot: Hooks page wrong system.api.php link
#3094397 by oknate: Attributes key missing hash or pound sign in seven
#3091509 by subson, Wim Leers, John Cook: Missing param from a docblock in \Drupal\rest\Plugin\rest\resource\EntityResource::get()
Revert "Issue #3092125 by dww, AdamPS, Lendude: Add test coverage of Views RSS feeds with translated content"
#3092125 by dww, AdamPS, Lendude: Add test coverage of Views RSS feeds with translated content
#3092571 by dww, Lendude: Fix RSS test view (and related tests) to not put links in the title element
#3048498 by jonathan1055, Lendude, naveenvalecha, klausi, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy: [‚âàNov. 11] Fix Drupal.Commenting.Deprecated coding standard
#3089764 by alexpott, mondrake, lauriii: Updating translations does not clear the JS asset cache so new translations are not loaded
#3093747 by Berdir: Add alias process service back (deprecated) and improve DX around BC path_alias services
#3092779 by phenaproxima, oknate, shaal: media_library.theme.css is being called despite it no longer existing
#3094146 by alexpott, mikelutz: Update Drupal 8 to the latest Symfony version
#3089764 by alexpott, mondrake: Updating translations does not clear the JS asset cache so new translations are not loaded
#3084843 by lauriii, zrpnr, Wim Leers, droplet, xjm, justafish: Update browserslist browsers
#2987921 by oknate, rafuel92, phenaproxima, quiron, seanB, samuel.mortenson: Media Library add form should suppress extraneous components of image fields using a form alter, not CSS
#3084983 by plach, amateescu, Krzysztof Domański, catch, Berdir, xjm, dww: Move all the code related to path aliases to a new (required) "path_alias" module (follow-up)



md5 hash


17.87 MB



28.98 MB


Last updated: 22 Nov 2019 at 22:43 UTCOfficial release from tag: 8.8.0-rc1Core compatibility: 8.xRelease type: Bug fixesNew featuresShort description: Release candidates are not supported for production sites, but they are intended for widespread testing in preparation for the upcoming stable release.Packaged Git sha1: 755bee7e45cd192b8aedffb168e49bad101fb9cc









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