

来源:cPanel官网 发布日期:2021-01-14 阅读次数:4870 评论:0





感知时间:2021-01-15 10:43:59




Change Log for 93.9999.114


Fixed case CPANEL-33636: Skip empty MySQL notes during restorepkgFixed case CPANEL-34753: Disable the "Enable Force HTTPS Redirect" button on Domains when no domains are selected.Fixed case CPANEL-34816: Remove false messages about restoring database users under a different name when restoring MySQL databases on an account that already exists.Fixed case CPANEL-34951: Reintroduce the yum.conf kernel exclude as a simple wildcard entry.Fixed case CPANEL-34996: Fix parsing of character set option when editing autoresponders.Fixed case CPANEL-35002: Make Dynamic DNS’s SSL certificate checking tolerate missing caIssuer.Fixed case CPANEL-35104: Replace usage of bin/cloudlinux_system_install with upstream installer from CloudLinux in bin/cloudlinux_update.Fixed case CPANEL-35173: Update the cPanel & WHM Pricing and Term Agreement to version 11-17-2020.Fixed case CPANEL-35233: Make the 'recommended' label consider current DB software on MySQL/MariaDb Upgrade UI.Fixed case CPANEL-35255: Fix systemd notifications in dormant services when Linux::Systemd is not available.Fixed case CPANEL-35261: Make fix_pdns_startup task start pdns if it is down.Fixed case CPANEL-35275: Fix copied script execution in WebSocket-based transfers.Fixed case CPANEL-35311: Fix “Show Docs” URL for installed modules under “PHP PEAR Packages”, “Perl Modules”, and “RubyGems” interfaces in cPanel.Fixed case CPANEL-35333: Refresh NSCD cache on user shell modification.Fixed case CPANEL-35351: Fix error reporting when creating an email account through the cPanel interface.Fixed case CPANEL-35354: Fix ALL showing up in Host Access Control for rules when it should not have been.Fixed case CPANEL-35363: Block API 1 as appropriate for Mail Node profile & distributed accounts.Fixed case CPANEL-35365: New UAPI calls for ClamScanner: start_scan, get_scan_status.Fixed case CPANEL-35371: Add an automated test to exercise autodomain script.Fixed case CPANEL-35387: Use correct version of pip to ensure dependencies for python applications.Fixed case CPANEL-35389: Update cpanel-git to 2.30.0-1.cp1194.Fixed case CPANEL-35395: Remove the “PID File” field from the WHM “Spamd Startup Configuration” interface.Fixed case CPANEL-35405: Fix faulty setlist filter syntax in templates.Fixed case CPANEL-35410: Fix WHM "Change Root Password" implicit submission.Fixed case CPANEL-35412: Ensure the inet table exists in NFTables for CentOS 8.Fixed case CPANEL-35421: Update strings in Host Access Control for CentOS 8.Fixed case CPANEL-35431: Ensure that mounts within the root directory can be ignored during disk usage checks.Fixed case CPANEL-35448: Add nftables package to sysup on CentOS 8.Fixed case CPANEL-35453: Stop shipping legacy ruby installer.Fixed case CPANEL-35457: Fix certain internal Perl error conditions in admin commands.Fixed case CPANEL-35471: Replace old Multiphp UI with the new one.Fixed case CPANEL-35478: Update cpanel-perl-532-TestRail-API to 0.048-3.cp1194.Fixed case CPANEL-35491: Update cpanel-php73 to 7.3.26-1.cp1186.Fixed case CPANEL-35502: Create UAPI ClamScanner calls for scan paths and disinfecting files.Fixed case CPANEL-35517: Add NGINX cache status to cPanel’s General Information.Implemented case CPANEL-35263: Implement “forced” dedistribution.Implemented case CPANEL-35308: Add MySQL Manager page in cPanel UI as experimental feature.Implemented case CPANEL-35347: cPanel > Filters > Edit now uses Email::get_spam_settings.Implemented case CPANEL-35359: Update Modify Account to Allow Dedistribution.Implemented case CPANEL-35366: Lock Email Routing Controls for Distributed Accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: Reset DNS Zone now prevents access to child accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: Convert Addon No Longer Displays Distributed Accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: Child Accounts No Longer Show in Add Reseller List.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: WHM MySQL Password List No Longer Displays child Accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: Update DNS Zone List to Not Display Child Accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35391: WHM Park a Domain No Longer Displays Child Accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35401: Use parent's password-strength enforcement on child node.Implemented case CPANEL-35415: Update WHM API SSL methods to block user API methods for child accounts.Implemented case CPANEL-35446: Custom PHP recommendations can be displayed in the cPanel MultiPHP interface.Implemented case CPANEL-35450: Add ability to view and force de-distribute distributed accounts in 'Link Server Nodes' interface.Implemented case CPANEL-35459: Remove global CentOS 8 experimental software banner.[security] Fixed case CPANEL-34541: Update MySQL56 to 5.6.50-1.cp1186.


cPanel 是一套在网页寄存业中最享负盛名的商业软件,是基于于 Linux 和 BSD 系统及以 PHP 开发且性质为闭源软件;提供了足够强大和相当完整的主机管理功能,诸如:Webmail 及多种电邮协议、网页化 FTP 管理、SSH 连线、数据库管理系统、DNS 管理等远端网页式主机管理软件功能。







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