

来源:HAProxy官网 发布日期:2021-11-05 阅读次数:9707 评论:0





感知时间:2021-11-05 23:00:48






2021/11/05 : 2.2.18
- BUG/MINOR: systemd: ExecStartPre must use -Ws
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: Don't block SI on a channel policy if EOI is reached
- Revert "REGTESTS: mark http_abortonclose as broken"
- BUG/MINOR: compat: make sure __WORDSIZE is always defined
- BUG/MINOR: tcpcheck: Improve LDAP response parsing to fix LDAP check
- DOC: management: certificate files must be sanitized before injection
- BUILD: ist: prevent gcc11 maybe-uninitialized warning on istalloc
- BUG/MINOR: cli/payload: do not search for args inside payload
- BUG/MINOR: server: allow 'enable health' only if check configured
- BUG/MINOR: h1-htx: Fix a typo when request parser is reset
- BUG/MINOR: http-ana: increment internal_errors counter on response error
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h1: Adjust conditions to ask more space in the channel buffer
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: Notify stream that the mux wants more room to xfer data
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream: Stop waiting for more data if SI is blocked on RXBLK_ROOM
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h1/mux-fcgi: Sanitize TE header to only send "trailers"
- DOC: peers: fix doc "enable" statement on "peers" sections
- BUG/MEDIUM: lua: fix wakeup condition from sleep()
- BUG/MAJOR: lua: use task_wakeup() to properly run a task once
- MINOR: arg: Be able to forbid unresolved args when building an argument list
- BUG/MINOR: tcpcheck: Don't use arg list for default proxies during parsing
- BUG/MINOR: tcp-rules: Stop content rules eval on read error and end-of-input
- BUG/MINOR: stream: Don't release a stream if FLT_END is still registered
- BUG/MEDIUM: http-ana: Reset channels analysers when returning an error
- BUG/MINOR: filters: Always set FLT_END analyser when CF_FLT_ANALYZE flag is set
- BUG/MINOR: filters: Set right FLT_END analyser depending on channel
- BUG/MEDIUM: filters: Fix a typo when a filter is attached blocking the release
- BUG/MEDIUM: http-ana: Clear request analyzers when applying redirect rule
- MINOR: htx: Add an HTX flag to know when a message is fragmented
- MINOR: htx: Add a function to know if the free space wraps
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: Defrag HTX message in si_cs_recv() if necessary
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux_h2: Handle others remaining read0 cases on partial frames
- MINOR: initcall: Rename __GLOBL and __GLOBL1.
- BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Don't eval front after-response rules if stopped on back
- BUG/MEDIUM: stream: Keep FLT_END analyzers if a stream detects a channel error
- CLEANUP: sample: rename sample_conv_var2smp() to *_sint
- CLEANUP: sample: uninline sample_conv_var2smp_str()
- MINOR: sample: provide a generic var-to-sample conversion function
- BUG/MEDIUM: sample: properly verify that variables cast to sample
- BUG/MEDIUM: tcpcheck: Properly catch early HTTP parsing errors
- MINOR: resolvers: fix the resolv_str_to_dn_label() API about trailing zero
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolver: make sure to always use the correct hostname length
- BUG/MINOR: resolvers: do not reject host names of length 255 in SRV records
- MINOR: resolvers: fix the resolv_dn_label_to_str() API about trailing zero
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: fix truncated TLD consecutive to the API fix
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: use correct storage for the target address
- MINOR: resolvers: merge address and target into a union "data"
- BUG/MAJOR: resolvers: add other missing references during resolution removal
- BUILD: resolvers: avoid a possible warning on null-deref
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: always check a valid item in query_list
- BUG/MAJOR: buf: fix varint API post- vs pre- increment
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h2: do not prevent from sending a final GOAWAY frame
- BUILD: fix compilation on NetBSD
- BUG/MINOR: mux-h1: Save shutdown mode if the shutdown is delayed
- BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h1: Perform a connection shutdown when the h1c is released
- CLEANUP: resolvers: do not export resolv_purge_resolution_answer_records()
- CLEANUP: always initialize the answer_list
- CLEANUP: resolvers: simplify resolv_link_resolution() regarding requesters
- CLEANUP: resolvers: replace all LIST_DELETE with LIST_DEL_INIT
- MEDIUM: resolvers: use a kill list to preserve the list consistency
- MEDIUM: resolvers: remove the last occurrences of the "safe" argument
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: Don't recursively perform requester unlink
- BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: Track api calls with a counter to free resolutions
- BUG/MEDIUM: http-ana: Drain request data waiting the tarpit timeout expiration
- BUG/MINOR: http: Authorization value can have multiple spaces after the scheme
- DOC: config: Fix alphabetical order of fc_* samples
- MINOR: stream: Improve dump of bogus streams









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